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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I feel like I should apologize to all my sweeet readers.
I have absolutely no drive right now to blog about anything.
I just feel like I'm on overload with everything going on in my life, all at once of course, and that I'm just not able to write about anything.
Yet, I do feel like I can make a list for y'all to see what I have on my plate right now:
  • getting everything prepared at work for my maternity leave in 7 working days
  • giving birth in exactly 2 weeks from today
  • my newborn daughter's surgery
  • my own recovery
  • her recovery (length of which we have no clue about, which is a huge concern)
  • getting her insured and on my Aflac as soon as she arrives
  • finding a pediatrician
  • becoming a full-fledged Mommy once she can come home
  • preparing and moving out of our apartment by November 30th
  • moving into my parent's house (basically us 3 in 1 bedroom)
  • finding a house suitable for my family and my parents by the end of December
  • moving into our new place by the beginning of January
  • leaving my baby girl with my Mom and going back to work
  • Laz's birthday, family visits, and Holidays in between this all
  • possibly doing something fun for my birthday (December 29th)
  • getting back my pre-baby body
It might not all be happening in 1 week, but I'm a worry-er, and since this is all happening in 3-4 months, it's got me a little scrambled in the brain. So please bear with me over the next few days while I try to just relax, and figure out what the hell to write about.
You guys are all great and I hate to let you down with lack-luster posts!


  1. Hey mama! You have been ghost but it's completely understandable! I'm a worrier too, but you with the princess coming extremely soon, you should be stress free! Try relaxing a breathing and not worrying about every single thing! Everything will work out! Promise!

    hugs <3 Yesi!

  2. that is too damn much... somebody better take on some of this stress for you! at least once you are out of work for a good amount of time it will free up your mind a little bit. plus a cute little baby makes everything okay!!

  3. ONLY two more weeks!! EEEK so exciting!!! :D I am right there with you, it feels like SOOO much is to be done and NO time to do it!

  4. Yikes! My head is spinning for you right now! You're going to be a busy momma, but you'll get it all done! Like Justin always tells me when I worry or get overwhelmed..."One day at a time." :)

  5. Only two more weeks? You must be so excited!

  6. Aw, girl! You've got to be out of your MIND with worry. I hope everything goes muchmuch better than you first anticipate, and that your little one's surgery goes well. You're going to do amazing!

  7. Lots to do! You have a list and that's the first step - figuring out what you need to do and makin' it happen!

    It will all come together, just take it day by day until that list is DONE!!!! :-D

  8. Holy Moly that's a lot to do!! 2 weeks!!! How exciting!! Praying for a great recovery for you both!


I love reading your comments!!! Keep them coming! :)