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Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday's Letters

YAY! Another week gone! And this one just seemed to disappear into thin air...I feel like it should still be Wednesday, but shhhhhh don't tell the week I said that. So let's get into this...

Dear upcoming weekend, please don’t fly by or get too jam-packed with cleaning and errands, I’d like to enjoy you just a bit.
Dear banana bread sitting on my desk, I know you were left here for all other coworkers to pick at, but they better hurry before this preggo belly eats you all up!
Dear tax free weekend, why couldn’t you be scheduled for a paycheck weekend?! GRR hate chu Florida!
Dear ankles, let’s be nice and not turn into monsters by the end of my workday.
Dear hubby, I promise this weekend we’ll watch a movie before I want to pass out by 8:30pm, I’ll even try to stay up late, pinky swear!

Link it up ladies over at Adventures of Newlyweds with Ashley!!

I hope everyone has a sweeet weekend! :)
<3 Alicia Marie


  1. Our tax free weekend is this weekend too. I want to avoid the crazy people! haha

    1. I won't go near Walmart, it's also food stamps you know that place is going to be SCARY packed. I might venture over to the outlets though. ;)

  2. I remember those sleepy preggo nights! I always felt so guilty for falling asleep during a movie with the hubby. But a girls gotta get her beauty sleep ;)

    1. Yea, and right now at 7 months I can use all the "beauty" I can get! :P

  3. weekends should be for FUN only! no errands and no cleaning for sure!!

  4. I love Tax Free weekend! And congrats on being a Mommy (:

    Now I want some Banana Bread! Yum <3

    1. I love tax free anything. HAHA Thank youuu! I'm baking some this weekend, I'll send ya some! ;)

  5. Dont worry bananna breads good for you - its got fruit in it and everything! Hope you have a great weekend x

  6. falling asleep at 8:30pm on a friday while watching a movie that is totally me, husband don't like it and my response is start the movie earlier

    1. My response exactly! But no, he always thinks of it too late, so me drooling on his lap is really his own fault. :P

  7. Hahaha these were all so sweet! Eat all that banana bread & then act innocent it always work ;)

    1. The crumbs leftover on my belly always gives it away, it's like a damn shelf! HAHA

  8. What part of FL are you in? I'm in Miami too, and without a paycheck too haha

    Happy Friday! Drop by and say hello!

  9. I go back in forth between Kendall and Homestead. The weekend was a bust, I found some good stuff at Kohls like $5 Keds flip flops...but Dolphin Mall was packed to the point I was just too stressed to even look around. BOO! :(

  10. Great Friday Letters...I'd be eating the banana bread too if it were sitting smack dab in front of me. :) Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog!! Thanksgiving is absolutely the best!! Especially the stuffing your face variety. ;) Hope you have a fab week!! (PS...I tried to reply to your comment on my blog but your email address isn't connected to your blogger account)

    1. Thank you girlie! :) UGH I'm still new at this blogger thingy, I swear everyday I'm figuring something else out. HAH Hopefully I can find out how to fix that too.

  11. i hate that every weekend flies by! it needs an extra day :)

    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie

    1. Totally, 3 day weekends every week if I'm president! YAY HI! :)


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