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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You look like a chicken, a BIG chicken!

 That title right there was said to me at 6:54am as I waddled up the hall to my desk. I bumped into a doctor here at work and that comment came spitting out of his mouth when he greeted me this morning. Not even 7:00am and I already got a fat comment. So then I guess yellow isn't my color anymore?
This pregnancy hasn't been the easiest time in my life, to say the least, and most of the people I encounter on a day-to-day basis do not make it any easier. I get a lot of invasive questions like "How much weight have you gained?" "Do you have any stretch marks?" or just rude comments like "WOW! You're looking big and pregnant today!" "You should really be watching your sodium intake because you look really swollen."
Really people?! I didn't notice how big I've gotten when I look into mirrors everyday getting ready for work, or trying not to glimpse at myself before hopping in the shower at night. I actually need to hear all of that from you just reassure me that those kicks and punches in my belly are actually my soon-to-be daughter, and not just hunger pangs.
I was never "tiny", for my height at 5'2" I'd say I was curvy. I have a plump booty, thicker legs, a nice stomach, and I'll say "strong" arms, just because that makes them sound nicer than they are. (I've always hated my arms) But right before I got pregnant I felt the best I had ever felt about my body before in my life, and I think that has a lot to do with this uncomfortable feeling I have in this baby body now. And sometimes I get nervous and think I won't get that body back.
I have no issue with telling you guys how much I've gained because I feel like you'd all use your best judgement and not say something hurtful, rude, mean, cruel, or that would make me cry. So here it goes, I've gained 50lbs. That's a lot, I know. I feel like it's due to the fact that I never once got sick during this pregnancy. I literally started off gaining weight right away, and poked out pretty fast. It's been gradual and my doctor has no concerns, so neither do I. Except when it comes to losing it. I know that will be a mighty battle, but I'll overcome it, and be fit again. I'm young, thankfully, so I'm thinking that'll help me win this fight.
I'm just sick of the negativity behind my body right now. How can I feel good about carrying my baby when I have these comments thrown at me everyday? My husband is amazing and says I look even more beautiful now. And he's still slapping my big, but now dimpled, booty as I walk by him, and I always take that as a real compliment over words.
I guess I'm just annoyed with how freely people talk down to me, as if I should be ashamed to be big and pregnant, when this is exactly what should be happening! And to be honest, I might have some dimples now where I never did before, but I still have no stretch marks, which to me are worse since they can't be erased. So HA PEOPLE! There's always a silver lining, I guess?
And there's my rant and rage for the day...I hope I didn't bore you, but sometimes a girl's gotta get it all off her enormous, and still growing, chest.  


  1. Don't let mean old fat doctors get in your way! Gaining weight is what happens when you get preganant. Big deal right?!

    Plus as long as Laz loves the way you look, and your still healthy, who cares what any of those poopie heads think!


  2. I also gained about 50 lbs while pregnant, and am 5'2". On the day my son was born, I was exactly 170 lbs. I honestly hated being pregnant after about week 20, and was also subject to the comments galore! I figured out it was mostly due to the fact that I really did look HUGE, mostly only in my belly, and that because I'm so short, my belly looked THAT much bigger, than if I would have been taller. Why people feel the need to comment, I don't know, but sometimes I think they just don't know what else to say, and they think they are trying to lighten your mood or something. I got asked SOOO many times if I was carrying twins. Seriously?! Then I look back on the pictures now, and can see why they think that.
    So, don't let it get to you too much. Your husband thinks you're beautiful, your doctor isn't concerned, and that baby is healthy. That is all that matters, and soon enough she'll be here, and you can slowly gain your body back. It won't ever be the same. But it could be better than before :)
    Oh - and I'm totally jealy of your no stretch marks. I don't have bad ones, but I have a few and I hate them! :)

  3. I have yet to experience the joy that is carrying a child, however, I am quite sure that I will stab someone... or at the very least punch them. I mean.. you have to limit your caffeine right? That's not going over well for anyone.

    Also, pleaseeee turn off this character verification thing. I don't know I am the only dumb ass but I cannot read the thing!! onto try #4

  4. i think it is the funniest thing when people feel as though they MUST give you their COMMENTS! Umm thank you but I don't need them! I have gotten a lot of oh wow you look little for seven months, BUT I'm sure you'll BLOW up right before the baby comes! Ummmm...okay thanks! DICK HEAD! AND my husband also tells me the same thing, oh you look so sexy, I'm like really? cause my ass is pretty fat! He loves it! so really, isn't that all that matters! Screw the people and their dumb comments! MOST of them have probably NEVER been preggers OR they are some freak of nature and gained minimal weight and are still skinny..and I agree! No stretch marks yet either, so really I'd rather gain 100 pounds and have NONE then gain 10 and have a zillion!

  5. You go mommy for being able to say forget you this is about me and my baby! I was never one to be overly concerned about baby weight. Like you said as long as Dr says your good and baby is healthy then that's what's important!

    Way to go for no stretch marks! Mine are horrible, but its ok it comes with the territory sometimes

  6. Adore this post, love. You're such an amazing writer. I've got a new outfit post inspired by one of my favorite TV characters. I'd love to hear your thoughts. xo


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