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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Laaate, again.

Sorry for being MIA these last few days. This weekend was super boring, consisitng of many movies watched from my couch while my poor husband helped some "dumb" people move. Sometimes he's too nice for his own good...but then again, this can just be my hormones talking, or not.

Then yesterday when I got to work I noticed a tightening feeling in my calves anytime I walked, then noticed a lump on each calf. I try not to get too freaked out about things since I'm pregnant, but then again this is probably when I should worry about every little pain and mark I find. So my mom and the ladies I work with urged me to call my doctor and I rushed over there to get checked out. His exact words were "Well that's in your leg, not your belly, so it has nothing to do with your pregnancy"...I almost laughed in his face, but decided to just get my next appointment and leave. I don't really enjoy my doctor's bed-side-manner, or lack there of it, but I only have a few weeks to go and then I'll never see him again. I know it's important to like your doctor, but I had no choice with him being my primary right now, and I'll explain that later on before the baby comes. (that'll be a long and very personal post, I'll have to be completely ready to share it before posting it.)

So I went back to work and took it easy just filing at my desk. Then after work, making dinner and cleaning up, my calves were killllllllling me. I was permanently glued to the couch for the rest of the night, thank god for reruns of the Kardashians I missed Sunday night. I do feel better today, but I've only been awake for 2 hours, so we'll see how the day works out for me.

Now, don't get me wrong here ladies, I'm beyond excited to be a mommy. I can't wait to get this little girl into my arms to hug and kiss on her all day long. But I really don't enjoy being pregnant. I hope this doesn't make me sound harsh or un-womanly, but this is the most uncomfortable I've ever felt in my body. I know the end result will make this all worth it, and all her little kicks and punches, plus my fridge being covered in her ultrasounds really does help me day by day. But all I keep chanting to myself is: 6 more weeks, 6 more weeks, 6 more weeks!!!

I promise tomorrow will be a more upbeat post. ;)

<3 Alicia Marie


  1. O my how rude, like you said you will never see him again after a few weeks, I have had some "experiences" with my OB but give them the hand and I am with you, I do not like being pregnant, not one bit but you are almost there! Maybe try some stretches/icing your calves? Feel better!

  2. only 6 more weeks the end is in sight and your prize for these past 9 months is a sweet little baby girl you get to love on and kiss all over! and docs with bedside manners you would think that bedside manners might be a course they are required to take in med school just a thought...

  3. just six more weeks! You got this.

    I know what it's like to have a guy around who's too nice... I swear, my guy needs to learn to say no! Sometimes it's okay to just stay home with me, hehe.

  4. 6 more weeks! I say that to myself EVERY SINGLE day I get up to come to work, SIX more weeks until I get to be on Maternity Leave!! I can't wait! I think I'm more excited for that then the baby getting here, either that OR the fact that then I will be able to get MORE stuff in order for when the baby comes here, and I can next awww so many things I want/need to get done! 6 more weeks :)

  5. Your doctor sounds like a total butthole!! lol!

    Hey, I want to put you up on my blog! Let me know, because I consider you to be one of my closest friends here on blogger! Do you have a button?! Send it to me so I can put you up!

    I hope that lump in your calf is nothing serious!

    xoxo Yesi <3


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