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Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekend Update!

My weekend consisted of sleeeeeeeeep and this guy:
Hurricane Isaac
He was way cooler looking there than in real life. It was just a thunderstorm with heavy winds, not even any lightning. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain too much since there was no major damage to any of my property or anyone else's close to me...although a 3-day weekend would've been lovely. ;)

Link it up with Sami over at Sami's Shenanigans to update eveyrone on your weekend!! :)


  1. sleep is always a good thing. hurricanes? not so much. Issac is an awesome name, though, I gotta say.

  2. LOVE SLEEP! lol! and this crazy hurricane feels like it has been going on for days!

  3. Sometimes you need sleep especially when you are baking little baby ;) Happy you are safe from the hurricane!!

  4. I just need to say I'm lovin your new layout!

  5. glad you are safe. loving your blog!


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