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Friday, August 31, 2012


Seriously guys, could this week have gone by anyyyyy sloooowerrrrr?!
It was probably due to my anxiety being through the roof, and getting all sorts of horrible sleep.
I can't stand waiting for anything like:
  • My baby shower (finally tomorrow!)
  • a much needed 3 day weekend
  • This little bun I've been baking in my belly for 8 months now
And let's talk about this little bun for a few, shall we?
I get uncomfortable quite often. The weather is disgustingly hot in this sticky place I call home, the very tip of Florida, so swollen feet and ankles happen. I deal. I complain, but I deal. I can't bend over anymore, it's more like I squat, after I curse out whatever is too low or fell out of my clumsy hands. And sure sometimes she crushes my lungs to the point where I can't breathe in or out, I just gasp waiting for her to give me a break. I can handle it all. Not a problem.
Until I got this really low cramp, like a period cramp, about where her head is at right now, down in position. And my belly got rock hard. Then it spread out to my hips and into my lower back. That wasn't so fun. It wasn't incredibley painful, which is why I didn't freak and run for the hospital. I just calmy texted my mom, who told me it sounded like a contraction, and to start timing them.
33 weeks along and I'm going into labor?!
Or at least that's what was going through my head. So I checked the time, and waited, and waited, and watched Four Weddings, and waited some more. Until I got another so far after the 1st one I forgot how long it had been, which eased my mind a bit since the contractions weren't being consistant. So I got as comfortable as I could and passed out on top of the covers, to be woken up by alarm, as if I slept for 5 horrible minutes.
I'm still having them randomly this morning as I sit here, at work, trying to get stuff done. I might've had 3 in the last 4 hours, so I'm not too worried I'll be having my baby shower in the hospital tomorrow. But with my luck, who the hell knows what could happen.
She'd be a nice little gift though. :)
But some more baking in that oven would do her good.
And now to get sidetracked, and to speak of more buns baking in the oven, or maybe how Honey Boo Boo heard it, "Bacon? Bacon?!" Her sister Chickadee had her baby, Kaitlyn, and so far she has no horrible nickname to speak of...BUT she does have 3 thumbs!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at it, there's proof, and also proof that they really are gross and dip newborn baby's pacifers in Mountain Dew. I don't know why I keep watching the show, and the reruns, and google it during work...but that's our society for y'all, obsessed with the strange.
Have a good weekend everybody, I'll keep you posted if anything exciting happens!


  1. I can imagine the pain your in. I watched my sister through both pregnancies! Hope you feel better love!

    & OMG! I just watched that Honey Boo Boo show yesterday for the first time ever. I saw that episode where she heard bacon! I thought it was just hilarious. I was a tad bit taken aback with her behavior though lol. But it's something to laugh at!

    Hope you have a fabulous Friday :)

  2. I hate those people... its terrible. I have never watched the show but obviously I knew of it. I was just showing somebody a clip on youtube so that they could share in my disgust. Do you know what it was a clip of!? The mother helping the little girl mix redbull and mt. dew. Clearly a necessary combo. SICK

  3. At least you had Four Weddings to watch during it, right?? Just reading about that makes me anxious! I might be a wreck when I get preggo one day!

  4. Aww yay! I'm so excited that your baby shower is tomorrow! You better take lots of pictures! and yes dont we all hate the fact that this place where we call home is always humid and sticky! I can not wait for the small amount of winter we usually have to come!



  5. I really hope your day gets better, my dear! enjoy the shower tomorrow and spend the rest of the weekend chillin'!

  6. Aaah! YAY for your baby shower! I can't wait for mine :) And I've been hearing lots of stories of women going into labor during their baby shower... so who knows ;)
    But I've also heard of braxton hicks. Do you think that's what you're experiencing? (Obviously I need to study up more and learn about braxton hick's and everything else that has to do with contractions and labor!)

  7. I hope your baby stays in a little longer, but that you somehow also get some relief! I can only imagine how uncomfortable it is.

    I haven't watched Honey Boo Boo but I have to admit that I want to. You're right: we're obsessed with the strange! Those freaks are from my home state . . . and giving us a bad name. ha!

  8. Just stumbled over your blog. Baby showers- so exciting!!! And I LIVE for fridays. Holy cow. Loving your blog! Newest reader!

  9. ohhhhhhh i can't wait to see what all the goodies you got from your baby shower! Mine is this weekend, and is it bad that i'm MORE excited for the baby shower then I've ever been for Christmas?? AND I'm 33 weeks too, what's your due date?


I love reading your comments!!! Keep them coming! :)